"It is a great honor that you have arrived Milady." The governor of Salina spoke, bowing his head as Palina settled into the chair in his office.

 Palina smiled and looked at the portly elf. "My daughter sends her regrets that she could not come herself, but she has pressing duties within the capital."

 "That the Queen thought to send you is proof enough that she is as wise as she is beautiful." The governor spoke, motioning to his aide to present the crystal cups of tea. Palina accepted the tea from the aide and sipped it, allowing the liquid to warm her insides. The trip had been long, but true to his boast Roland had led them non-stop to Salina without having to detour around any human settlements.

 "You have done quite well with your city governor." Palina told the man. "I noticed though that almost half of your defensive positions are not manned. Why is that?"