The tavern was in the lowest portion of Mountain City, and it was also considered the most dangerous, as it was where most of the petty criminals resided. It was also home to many of the seedier establishments that operated brothels out of their buildings. No matter what the elves tried, they found they could not rid themselves of these parts of their cities, and many of the elves considered these portions of their cities to be unconscious leftovers from their years as slaves. The position on the ground level and proximity to the several entrances nearby gave the criminal element easy access in and out of Mountain City. This was where many of the citizens of Mountain City dare not venture. It was an extremely rough and dangerous part of the city, and for the most part it was left without security forces patrolling it unless something major occurred. Tarifa had tried to expunge this part of Mountain City from their lives, but no matter what she did, it never seemed to die.