Telan glared at Aihola as she stood in the living room of Tarifa's home. He and Tareif had returned only a few short hours ago to discover that there had been an attempt on Tarifa's life while she was shopping in the market district with her mother, and this Drow assassin had rescued her. The same Drow assassin that had been hired by his father to deliver the mind control drugs to Tarifa's aides. It was the talk of the city now, and Tarifa's actions after the attack, naming the Drow as her Attendant and personal Guard were justified and entirely within her realm as Queen, and there was nothing he could do about it.

 He tossed the duffel he was carrying to the floor and stepped up the Drow quickly, his face a mask of anger. "Explain yourself quickly Drow whore!" Telan hissed at her, moving menacingly close to Aihola. "This was not part of the plan!"