Vengal watched as Cathy lowered the Raptor to the ground as gently as a feather, the remains of the Boulder City Municipal Airport spread out all around them.

 "Cut engines!" Cathy ordered. "But leave the turbines at seventy percent charge in case we have to blow our way out of here."

 "Cutting engines," Tommy reported. "I'll take the first watch with the sabot cannon Cathy. I don't envy getting caught with our pants down again."

 Cathy smiled as she unbuckled her straps. "Thanks Tommy." She spoke as she began to climb out of her seat.

 "Your flying skills amaze me." Vengal spoke, looking at her. "These… flying ships… Raptors you call them Do you have many of them?"

 Cathy was about to reply when she saw Leland come up behind Vengal, his fist clenched around the K12. Her face twisted into confusion. "Leland… what's wrong?" She asked.