The tunnel angled downward at a ten degree slope, and was lit with torches every hundred feet or so. The stone walls were cool and worn smooth from centuries of use it seemed. The passageway took them along a twisting path and finally opened into a massive cave where the sunlight poured in from the huge opening in the side. They could see the MH-19 Raptor sitting idle on the ground, having flown into the mammoth opening in the cave and settling to the ground. They were easily two hundred feet above the floor of the cave, the stalactites far above their heads reaching easily fifty feet down from the ceiling.

Dysea led them down the path that had been carved into the rock and twenty minutes later they were on the same level as the Raptors. There were people standing around the ramp and Aihola slowed her steps as she recognized the taller Drow warrior. Tarifa picked up on this immediately and looked at her.

"Nya Istel?" She questioned. "What is it?"