"Report!" Martin barked.


"All clear!"



"All secure boss!"

"In the rear with the gear," Came the next voice over the COM, and the tension was broken as Martin and the others turned to look at the lone genome who had been securing their rear flank. He actually sounded disappointed to have missed all the action.

"Check the bodies!" Martin ordered, reaching up to pull away his balaclava. He turned back to where Tarifa and Aihola were getting to their feet slowly. Aihola's eyes were especially wide as she stared at him in wonder. "Tarifa?"

"I'm fine." Tarifa replied. "Martin… who… who were they?"

Martin gripped Aihola's arm and she nodded, still staring at him in open awe. "I'm… I'm fine." She said.

Martin looked at her. "Where did you hide the weapon? I told everyone to come here unarmed."

Aihola met his eyes. "I will not lose her Martin Hunter!" She spoke.