Tareif winced as another explosion shook the building he was in. They had been prepared for battle Tareif knew, but not on this grand a scale. Alliance troops had somehow found their way into Mountain City against all odds, and now at least two battalions of them were wreaking havoc on the streets and levels of his home. He and Cantel and a detachment of Dragoons had split from his daughter nearly two hours ago, pitched battles waging in the streets on the ground and those suspended within the trees. Several of their main thoroughfares high in the branches had already come crashing down due to explosions and fighting. They had slipped into this building only minutes before so that Tareif may get some sort of picture of the battle that was raging within his city.

"The implants that Martin Hunter provided us are being jammed War Master!" Cantel spoke above the roar of the battle raging outside. "It has to be something short range."