EDEN (Formerly Junction City)

Julie felt the sun rising, casting warmth through the window as she allowed her fingers to slowly caress the smooth fleshy surface of the appendage currently laying across her chest, the tip just touching the nipple of her left breast. The appendage was tapered at the end, no larger in circumference than a nickel, but it quickly expanded to nearly five inches in circumference and was smooth and warm to the touch and charcoal gray in color. The appendage extended down between her breasts, across her flat stomach and out of sight under the sheets. Julie snuggled back against the hard and very warm body, relishing in the feel of the skin against hers. Her hand wrapped tightly around the appendage as she shifted, not wanting to release it from touching her skin.

"Don't do that." Tari's voice echoed in her ear as he shifted and put his lips next to her ear.

Julie smiled. "Why?"