Theron shook his head from where he stood next to the home that he and the other Spartans were staying in. The home was only a hundred meters away from Martin's house, and Aricia's cries of rapture had brought all of them running outside. Even from this distance, their auras were overwhelming, as all four of them came together. Theron felt Walter come up next to him, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"This is a problem." Theron spoke.

"This is a gift." Thr'won's voice spoke from behind them.

They turned and looked at her. "He should have waited!" Theron hissed. "They should have waited!"

Thr'won looked at him. "How long can you prolong destiny Theron my friend?" She spoke softly, a smile on her face. "And do not tell me you don't feel it. I am already mated and I can feel it pounding in my blood."