Danny found himself shaking as he looked at the shorter woman in front of him. Her skin was a deep chocolate color, her black hair long and luxurious. Danny knew she had to be much older than the sixty odd years she looked, but he knew. This was his mother. The mother he never knew he had until only a few short weeks ago. He looked at the man standing just behind her, tall and proud, a jagged scar running across his cheek, his dark eyes burning bright. His skin was deeply tanned, burned a dark bronze by years in the sun. He was the equal to Danny in height and physical dimensions in every way, and it was the same face Dan had seen in the mirror thousands of times over the years.

Danny returned his eyes to the woman, who was now reaching for his cheeks. His eyes closed as her rough hands touched his skin and he brought his hands up to cover hers as feelings of love and comfort flooded him. He knew these hands.