Yes… my Xerxes looks like the actor from the movie 300. He looks like a vampire even in that movie. So that is where the credits go to. Disclaimer ho hum.)


"Dear sister." Xerxes spoke, his voice deep and powerful even on the monitor. "You don't sound happy to hear from me."

Yuri snorted. "I'm never happy to hear from you Xerxes. Now what is it you want, I was involved in something very entertaining and you interrupted that."

"Ah Yuri… are you playing with your food again?" Xerxes asked with a low chuckle that carried the distinct flavor of malice and distaste in it.

"Unlike you brother… I don't have to brutalize my prey before I feed." Yuri replied leaning back in her chair. "I find that it's much sweeter when I take my time." She traced a finger up between her large firm breasts teasing him, "And so much more pleasurable. Something you are infinitely unfamiliar with."