They stood in the small room with the video surveillance cameras watching the small screen. There were male grunts coming from the screen, the elf operator blushing badly at what he was seeing.

Dekton turned to look at Lynwe. "Why exactly am I watching Minister Torcrum having sex?" He asked her.

"It's been like this for three weeks Dekton." Lynwe spoke. "And that is not sex! That is rape of a different kind."

Dekton looked at her. "You've been spying on her for three weeks? Under whose order?"

"I was instructed too." Lynwe replied. "Who ordered me too is not important."

"Tarifa and Aihola did this didn't they?" Dekton spoke.

"It doesn't matter… watch!" Lynwe snapped.

Dekton turned back to the screen as now it showed a different man. A human. Lynwe stepped up to the elf. "Advance to time 0241." She said.