"The King has approved the plan." Vengal spoke from his chair, "And I suggest we set it in motion as soon as possible."

The Command Center conference room table was full, but not with the Elder Council. Tarifa and Aihola sat in their customary chairs, Dekton standing just behind them. Anja and Aricia sat close to each other, Danny and his father beside Aricia. Anuk sat beside Danny, as she was never far from his side. Selene and Lynwe sat across from them, most of the others choosing to stand.

Tarifa looked at him. "Has something happened that we need to know about?" She asked her eyes going from Vengal to where Anja and Aricia sat, "Anja?"

The Spartan Centurion behind Anja stepped forward to the table. "You will refer to her as…" He began to speak.