Lycavorian LEONIDAS-Class Attack Cruiser LEONIDAS I

"We had to scramble, but the last of the equipment is now aboard." Vistr spoke as he settled into the chair in the officer's lounge.

Deia nodded, "Less than six hours General. That is a fine piece of work."

"Don't thank me," Vistr spoke. "Once my officers knew why we were leaving, they basically told me to get my ass out of their way." He said with a smile.

"Morale is high I take it?" Deia spoke sipping the tea.

"High?" Riall spoke now. "Does floating off the deck constitute high? I don't believe I've ever seen Admiral Ceneu's crews more hyped up."

"And the King's order?" Deia asked.

"I've already issued the stand down order. All ships will be returning to their specified marshalling areas within twelve hours to await further orders." Riall answered.

"Riall… please do not take his words to you as…" Deia began.