"What do you think they are talking about?" Anuk asked her eyes focused on Aihola, Nayeca, Vengal and Dekton.

 They had set up the small camp in the nearest treeline bordering Kelwood. Security teams of two were posted and the others were making small fires to cook. Danny sat with his back against a thick tree, Anuk sitting between his legs as they finished the last of the ration pack they had shared. Melancton had eaten and amazingly had gone right to sleep a few meters away.

Dan glanced over to where they were sitting.

 "Whatever it is, it doesn't look good." He answered holding out the canteen for her.

 Anuk broke the snack bar she held in half and took the canteen as she handed him half of the bar. "I was thinking that too." She said.

 "I get the feeling that Aihola isn't real happy with the way these Drow are reacting to us being here." Dan said as he bit into the snack bar. "They were ready to kill Nayeca on the spot."