Kenny brought the Raptor around slowly, coming off the base course he had been using since leaving earth's atmosphere. He had to adjust his course every few minutes to keep EDEN's sensors from detecting his approach, and now thirteen hours later, the tiring exercise was paying off. He plunged in low over the moon's surface, well below EDEN's surface scanners, and eased back on his throttles to a more sedate speed.

 "We're in the pipe Admiral!" He called back into the cargo hold.

 Wallace moved forward quickly, wearing the special pressurized suit that they would drop to the moon's surface in. He settled to one knee next to Kenny. "Any chance they detected us?" He asked.

 Kenny shook his head. "Not a chance. I'm guessing they are still pretty new at using our equipment. I can tell you they got partial main power back though. Passive sensors picked up power grid fluxes from five of the eight generators."