"They have begun their attack Admiral Wallace!" Anari spoke from where she sat at the single terminal. "Their ships… the Lycavorian ships are attacking the vampire fleet."

Wallace moved over next to her and looked at the sensor screen she was monitoring. "What's Marcus doing?" He asked.

"They seem to be monitoring the events as we are." Anari replied. "But none of EDEN's weapons platforms have been charged."

"Is the laser grid fully energized?" Wallace asked.

Anari nodded. "It completed recharging five hours ago." She spoke. "It's in standby mode right now."

"How soon before we pass to the dark side of the moon?"

Anari turned and looked at one of the others in their team. All of them were sitting at a console monitoring all that was happening, "How long?" Anari asked.

"Three hours twelve minutes."

"You been recording the intercepts right?" Wallace asked.