Thirteen miles south of Moran's position

"They're toasted Commander." The elf artillery commander told Danny as they looked at the holo map chart in the rear of the Command Hopper. "I sent up a drone over this entire ridge. Aside from some light Hoppers that were high tailing it out of the area, not a single gun position is still active. I counted nearly three hundred gun positions alone. We dusted them good!"

Danny nodded quickly, his dark eyes scanning the chart. "That armored column is in range?"

The elf nodded. "They're still bogged down in the minefield though."

"Let's not give them a chance to become un-bogged down." Dan said. "Use the 300 IIs to give them a dose of medicine and target the guns on these idiots running south in front of Tareif."

The elf commander nodded quickly. "It will be done."