"I had forgotten how beautiful Sparta was." Gorgo said softly as she walked beside Riall towards the villa's entrance. She held his hand tightly and felt him squeeze her fingers gently, passing his love and warmth to her with a small portion of his aura. Gorgo looked at him with smiling dark eyes and gripped his hand tighter.

"We will make it a point to return here often if that is what you wish." Riall said. "This was the place of your birth Gorgo, and many years of happiness. Hopefully our victory here has washed away the pain of what you lost here."

Gorgo smiled. "It has Riall, of that I am sure. And I would love to come back with you and the children. They should know where I came from, and if they come here perhaps they will have a better understanding of who I am."

"You are their mother, and that is all that matters to them Gorgo." Riall spoke.