"What kind of political fallout can we expect if the elf delegation does this Deia?" Gorgo asked.

They sat in the conference room, Anja, Aricia and Isabella now with them as well as Gorgo and Riall. Gorgo had contacted Deia to get some sort of feel for what was happening on Apo Prime.

Deia shook her head. "I truly don't know." She replied. "The elf delegation has never done something like this before. L'tian has them in an uproar. He played on their connection to the past, their sense of honor, and he did a damn fine job of it. If they do not recognize Dysea as Queen, people will want to know why… demand to know why… and then everything will come out."

Aricia sat to Martin's right, the place it appeared that all of them had decided she would sit whether consciously or unconsciously. Anja sat to her right while Dysea sat to Martin's left and Isabella to her left. The picture of the four of them there like that struck Gorgo for some reason.