"It is my regret to inform you that Aricia, the former Queen you inquired about, has been killed by the predators of my planet." The People's Republic Senator spoke to Deia in her office.

Deia's jaw twitched imperceptibly and she leaned forward in her chair, conscious that L'tian and Olalla sat quietly along the wall of her office. "May I inquire as to when this took place Senator Dalkor?"

"Shortly after she arrived I believe." The Senator spoke calmly. He was a skilled statesman and had convinced Chetak not to reveal that the wench was dead until the Union inquired of her. He had come to this meeting with the Nonvore Senator as support. The Nonvores were a humanoid species that were known to be avid statesman. Even though Dalkor hated being next to them disgusting non-Lycavorian politician, he needed his support for their plans.