"How did he do this Vistr?" Riall asked in awe.

It was his first time down to the surface of this planet, after twice being above it and firing every weapon on the ships he had commanded to no avail. They stood in the gaping maw of where the observation post had once stood. Hundreds of metric tons of equipment were spread out before them, STRIKER ATs at rest in the distance, Spartans by the thousands moving back and forth.

"Amazing isn't it?" Vistr spoke.

"Three full blown attacks Vistr! Hundreds of ships in orbit blasting away with everything we had. You do this in days. How Vistr?" Riall spoke turning to look at him.

Vistr grinned. "One of his Drow vampire scouts." He answered calmly.

Riall looked at him as if he was crazy. "What?"