"Will not allow some pup to dictate to me what I will and will not do!" Deia snapped from behind her desk. "I have seen and done more in a thousand years then that fool has done in all four thousand of his years!"

L'tian and Olalla sat quietly letting her rant. Olalla had offered that they part after Asomus had made his declaration and allow both parties to absorb the information. Olalla knew Deia well enough to know she was very close to ripping the face from the smug young wolf and while Asomus did not see the signs, he did and had acted accordingly.

"Deia… no one is suggesting that we allow him to do what he proposes." Olalla spoke calmly.

"Step down and name him my successor!" Deia continued. "I'll string him by his ankles before I allow that to happen."

"Deia… you must remain calm." L'tian spoke.