"I am fine child… truly." Helen spoke as she sat up in the bed in Gorgo and Riall's home. Deia, Isabella and Gorgo stood in the room as Dysea sat next to the bed, holding Helen's hand gently within hers. She had taken quite a liking to the Oracle as if she was a mother figure to her while Dysea was away form Earth and her own mother. Or perhaps that Helen reminded Dysea so much of the grandmother she hardly ever knew.

"You gave us quite a scare Helen" Gorgo spoke.

"Yes I imagine I did." Helen said looking at Deia. "Thank you for recognizing what it was and doing nothing Deia."

Deia stepped forward. "Helen… we thought you were the last of the Oracles." She spoke. "How could… how could another Oracle pass on to you. You would be the most powerful as the last."