Deia released the breath she had been holding on the bridge and reached out to squeeze Komirri's thick arm. He nodded and grinned at her.

"Prime Minister Deia."

Deia turned to see the Folcani Ambassador standing behind her with the other two members of her delegation. "I must apologize for this Ambassador." Deia began. "We don't…"

"Prime Minister… I believe we would like to rethink our decision and perhaps meet with you and Queen Dysea again when we reach Apo Prime." The Folcani Ambassador spoke. "Can that be arranged?"

Deia looked taken aback but quickly nodded. "Of course Ambassador."

"Would it… would it be possible to meet King Leonidas in person?" The Ambassador asked.

Deia looked surprised. "I thought… I thought you said you did not want to meet with him."