Sangria was going crazy, of that she had no doubts.

Almost three days trapped in this room with men and women who neither liked her nor wanted to be around her. Of course, Sangria had made no effort to reach out to them either. She let her eyes wander over the two female elves who sat facing her across the room, and the lone Hadarian male who occupied the chair by the door. Since Anuk had told her two days ago to stop complaining, none of them had made much conversation with her at all, unless it was necessary. Nayeca, the beautiful dark skinned elf had been the kindest, trying several times to strike up a conversation, but Sangria hadn't allowed it to progress much past the first few questions. It was obvious to her from the way Anuk and Nayeca acted together that they were just as much in love with each other as they were in love with the hulking black skinned Spartan who had left with the vampire witch thirty minutes ago.