Lexi reached the edge of the market center and slowed to a sedate walk as the crowds had thinned considerably. She casually dropped her hand down and removed her Nehtes from her thigh and slowed even more as she saw the two hunters who had followed her slow as well. She had never seen their species before, but they moved confidently and with practiced ease, and they were heading right for her.

"Kochab Bounty Hunters." Bella's voice echoed from behind her. Lexi didn't turn as Isabella appeared next to her. She had gotten over the shock and surprise at her speed and ability to appear from anywhere long ago. She had however on many occasions thanked the gods of Sparta that Isabella was on their side. "There are three vampires following us as well, but I don't believe they will expose themselves. They have wrapped the shadows around them tightly. They are going to see if these Bounty Hunters can match us."