"So you have detected nothing unusual these past months?" Dysea asked.

She sat in the mammoth cavern that was now Arzoal's home, her emerald eyes watching with a smile as dozens of dragon hatchlings attempted to fly in the training circles that older dragon trainers had them herded into. Dysea could just make out Iriral attempting to help as much as she could.

I'm sorry Dysea… but no. Arzoal's voice replied and Dysea turned back to look at the largest dragon known to exist right now.

Arzoal's reddish scales were bright, her flame colored eyes alert and intelligent. She was over twenty thousand years old, but no one knew exactly her age except her. Only three knew what had finally returned the dragons to their home world of Elear, and only three knew the secret that must never be revealed. Dysea was not one of them, and truth be told, she had no desire to know.