Komirri turned to the door as first Martin and then Sivana burst onto the cramped bridge of the freighter. Yuriko and Filrian had been taking shifts on the bridge so that one of them was always either on the bridge or in the small ready room to the side at all times. Though he could not act as a face or voice on this mission, Martin would take the third shift himself, allowing Yuriko and Filrian to rest and get away from the bridge and ready room for a few hours. If he needed them they could be back on the bridge in minutes.

"What is wrong?" Martin demanded as he fastened his civilian shirt on the shoulder. He had dressed on the short sprint to the bridge.

"There is a Class Seven Rotarian Frigate approaching our location sire." Komirri reported calmly. It seemed nothing fazed him anymore whenever he accompanied his King somewhere.

"Rotarian?" Sivana asked. "Are you certain?"