"I had everything we have on the Kavalians sent to you my Queen." Admiral Riall spoke from the huge monitor at the end of the room while Admiral Joarl handed out the data pads to everyone at the table. "It's not much… but it's more than what you have there I assume."

Aricia, Isra, Tarifa, Aihola and Selene sat at the large conference table, while Lynwe and Layna stood behind Selene leaning against the wall. Tareif and Steven stood to the opposite side of the room near the doors. Joarl moved to the end of the table and sat in the only remaining chair when he finished handing out the pads.

"I can tell you will absolute certainty that this Kavalian is still within the city limits some where." Joarl spoke.

"How can we be so sure?" Selene asked.