Isra smelled them easily before they reached the end of the ramp and began to walk into the back of his DT. He turned his head and watched as the four Durcunusaan, three men and one woman, stopped at the end of the ramp while Tarifa and Aihola continued up holding hands and walking close to one another.

"We wondered where you were." Tarifa's voice filled the back of the DT and he turned on the table bench he sat on as they walked up to him.

"I'm just finishing this search grid pattern for Aricia and I to begin searching for the dragon eggs." Isra said as they moved up on either side of the stool. He pulled Aihola to him with his left arm and Tarifa to him with his right and both of them leaned close and nuzzled his neck, inhaling deeply. He returned the action with both of them; planting a soft kiss on the lobes of both their ears and feeling them shiver slightly in happiness. "You should have gone to bed by now. It is late."