"Any ideas?" Martin asked softly as he lowered the macrobinoculars from his eyes.

"Why only six of them?" Danny asked.

"Scouting party perhaps?" Anuk said softly passing the binos she had to Nayeca.

Martin turned his head. "Lisisa?"

Lisisa didn't lower the binoculars from her eyes. She and Melita were now fully clothed in the uniform and body armor of a Spartan, their long hair tied tightly into pony tails by Yuriko and Nayeca. "They look familiar." She spoke softly. "I…"

Martin looked at her intently, leaning over to nuzzle her head as a father would his wolf cub. That part of your life is over with Lisisa. You are my daughter and I will never allow that to happen to you again. Ever. He whispered softly to her within Mindvoice.