"I don't care what Fleet Command says!" Armetus screamed. "You contact Admiral Ceneu Major and you tell him Armetus says to lock down the nubous planet! I don't want so much as an escape pod to leave this planet until I say it is clear!"

"Understood sir!"

"Activate every anse garrison we have! I want them blanketing every spaceport on this planet! If they do not have proper authorization and travel papers I want them arrested! Do it Major! Do it now! And where the hell is Admiral Riall? He was supposed to meet me an hour ago!"

"I don't know sir! He isn't answering his COM unit. We've been trying for the past two hours!"

Armetus's eyes went wide. "Send a detachment to his quarters! Now! Full load!" He cursed under his breath. "No one that even looks remotely like Lady Gorgo is allowed to leave the surface! Tell Ceneu I don't care what he has to do! Mobilize the entire nubous planet if he has too!"

"Lady Gorgo sir?" The man gasped.