Deputy Prime Minister Laustinos looked up from his desk when his senior aide, a very attractive female elf, knocked and quickly walked into his office. He saw the look on her face and slowly came to his feet.

"Da'Lira… what is wrong?" He asked.

"Forgive me for bothering you sir… but the Zaleisian Ambassador is here again and he is demanding to speak with someone in authority. Since the Prime Minister is at that meeting, I did not know who to bring this too?" The elf female answered. "The Prime Minister has been avoiding him for some reason and he is very insistent this time."

"What meeting is Deia at?" Laustinos asked.

"You know sir… the one with the High Coven Empress. They arrived only an hour ago." Da'Lira spoke.

Laustinos moved around his desk. "I knew they were coming but I did not know they were already here. Where are they meeting?"

"The Durcunusaan base sir." Da'Lira replied.