"How dare you strike my son Narice… you had no right!" Yuri snarled at her younger sister.

"I had every right!" Narice snarled right back no fear of her older sister in her demeanor. "We are here for a purpose! That purpose is to have these men and women train us with our bonded dragons! They are all that stands between us and death on the battlefield!" Narice turned and glared at Dante. "Your son decided he was going to attempt to instigate an altercation with Androcles Leonidas! And not only that… he made improper overtures towards Androcles's new bride! His new wife Yuri! If my interpretation of Spartan and Lycavorian culture is correct… actions such as his this night are grounds for Androcles Leonidas to kill him without a second's pause! And make no mistake… that he would have done with considerable ease!"