Twenty-seven men and sixteen women.

Forty-three Vampire High Coven Bonded Pairs. They stood in four ranks facing the large hanger to the north. Yuri stood out in front of the group with Narice at her side. Aikiro, Tesand and Moran stood at the bottom of the ramp of the transport that had landed and brought them all to Earth. A myriad of colors and sizes, with a dozen Heavyhorn Hybrids mixed in with the group and even one Spiketailed Longwing. The dragons were nervous and it showed as talon equipped feet kept lifting from the ground and heads kept looking at the row of dragons resting on the far edge of the tarmac some three hundred meters away, not to mention the dozens that were circling far above. These dragons had no riders or saddles and almost instinctively the High Coven dragons knew who the dragons on the tarmac were.