Athani was amazed at how quickly he thought on his feet. Even as they were moving down the corridor, Resumar ducked into one entrance of the mess lounge as they passed it by and came out the other entrance with a mug of coffee and one of tea. He smiled as he held it out to her.

"Just to be safe." He had said as they walked.

They covered the distance to the landing bay easily enough and were entering from one door just as For'mya was entering through the hatchway closest to the dragon pens. Jalersi was with her as was Qurot and Karun, Resumar saw as he and Athani closed the distance to them even as the alarm claxon began to sound indicating a ship was approaching. Jalersi was not the only one glaring at Athani as they approached.

"Athani… where were you!" Jalersi demanded. "I checked your quarters immediately after Queen For'mya contacted me!"