Arrarn didn't budge from where he had shifted back and now sat on the beach on the far side of the island. He felt his brothers end their sprint and move up on either side of him before shifting back into their human forms and settling to the sand beside him.

"I don't want to hear it." Arrarn spoke.

"Hear what?" Andro asked.

"What you are going to tell me."

"What makes you think I'm going to say anything?" Andro said with a smile.

Arrarn smiled and looked at him. "You've always got something to say. You are too much like father sometimes. I can hear him now… 'Are you crazy boy? The daughter of the High Coven Empress? Have you lost your mind? An intelligence officer from the Venorik Elghinn? They aren't your mother and sisters! They are High Coven!'" He stated trying to impersonate his father's voice.

"He's got a point about that Andro." Deni spoke with a grin. He elbowed his brother. "Not a bad impression of father either."