Anja gripped For'mya's hands tightly as they shared a brief but passionate kiss while Martin and Aricia stood next to Resumar looking through the large glass view window at the medical technicians who were handling the bodies of the commandos gingerly.

"You had us worried for a moment." Anja spoke gently to her.

For'mya sighed as Anja nuzzled her elfin ear. "Resumar and I had it completely under control." She stated confidently.

"So much under control that you couldn't grab one of them still alive?" Martin asked with a grin as he looked back at them.

"Ignore him." Anja said quickly.

"I intend too." For'mya stated as they turned to look at him.

"So what's the word Red?" Martin asked.

Anja stepped closer to the view window as Martin pulled For'mya to him tightly. "Well… three had their upper bodies pretty well crushed." Anja stated.