Background Music is Malic's Theme in the Yahoo Group

Black Hawk Down Soundtrack

The sum of cross currents in fifty-three knot winds and a gravity coefficient of point three nine? Isra's voice asked the question.

Sixteen degrees. Vincix's voice answered.

Turn radius in a gravity of 1.5, altitude of twenty-three and speed of two hundred nineteen kilometers? Lisisa's voice asked.

Four point three meters per second. Malic answered immediately. Malic heard Denali's voice chuckle within his head and he smiled inwardly, his hand reaching up to touch Vincix's lower snout which was inches from his shoulder.

Twenty for twenty. Denali spoke. Excellent.

You and Vincix have been studying. Isra spoke with some humor in his voice as well.

And flying. Vincix spoke quickly. We woke long before dawn and went out over the western portion of the base.