Narice squeezed Toria's hand as they stood in the small clearing. The moon was filtering through the canopy of the jungle above them and filling the clearing with an almost surreal glow. They had spread a double wide blanket on the ground from the pack they had left here earlier, and now they sat waiting for the man they both so desired.

"Toria… you don't think we scared him off do you?" Narice asked innocently. She felt like a small child in the way they were conducting themselves, but it was so liberating to her to feel this way.

"I find it hard to imagine there is much that any Leonidas son fears Narice." Toria spoke turning to meet her eyes. "Why are you so nervous?"

"I've never been so forward with a man Toria!" Narice exclaimed with an embarrassed smile. "I practically assaulted him in front of everyone! And he is not… he is not a pureblood. He is not the one my mother hopes that I will one day marry."