"…Operation Thunder Blade?" Martin asked softly looking down at the deck plating from where he rested on the edge of Anja's desk.

He and Anja were sitting in her office on the SPIRIT when the urgent communication from Aricia came in.

"Do you know of what this clone speaks Beloved?" Aricia asked.

Martin looked back up. "Yes." He replied. "It was an operation that four of us conducted when we returned from Iran. Unsanctioned like he said. We did it on our own. We… we went after the politicians who sold us out and left us in the desert. They did it for oil and money. We discovered that when we returned. One of us didn't make it back. Petty Officer Wendt took out his targets and himself to keep from being caught by police."

"Anja… how could this clone know of this?" Isabella asked. "If only Martin and Daniel knew of it when Colin Walsh was killed in the Battle for Earth… how could he know this?"