"…have adjusted allzz the TEMPEST and DEVASTATOR fighters with the modifications just aszz you transmitted to uszz Zaala." The Nodian spoke. "We will replace the last of the sealszz by tomorrow and all of the new shipszz coming out of the Menkla Manufacturing facility will be fitted with these sealszz before they come here. I must say… it was something we did not think of before and my staff knew immediately it would work."

"It was a joint project Chuess. Steven and several of his pilots were involved as well." Zaala spoke with a bright smile. "We had to come up with something to compensate for the small drop in power when they turned radically."

The Nodian grinned and for his lizard like features it looked as if he was baring his teeth angrily. "That is not what Major Randell your husband sayszz." He told her. "He said you did most of the work on the design of the sealszz."