Androcles Leonidas's body went careening across the Command Center like a runaway bull. His father's heel strike walloped him just above his left nipple and launched his body across the room with the force of a gun blast. He smashed through the framework and glass of the star chart directly behind him and slammed into the sensor operator's console with all two hundred and twenty-five of his pounds like dead weight. Technicians scattered like roaches to get out of the way, while Aricia and For'mya stood with Deni and Lisisa, looks of disbelieving awe on their faces. Aricia remembered Andro's words and quickly shifted her vision into the Scotopic spectrum, having to focus hard for she had never used it before. What she saw made her gasp in horror. The black mist surrounded Martin like a fog, swirling all around his large frame, pulsing from his chest and looking as if he was burning with black fire.
"Son vada carians!" She gasped in incredulity.