"…came in eleven hours ago Milord." The COM officer told them in the holoimager from the bridge. "We don't get AFC transmissions anymore so the duty officer called me. He thought it might be something important. It was garbled and I had my people spend the next few hours cleaning up the signal as much as we could. It took quite a bit of work but what you see before you is the complete transmission."
Andro sat next to Sa'sur in the Ready Room off the side of the bridge. "No source?" Andro asked.
The officer shook his head. "No sir. AFC messages are low power and random. They can bounce between repeater stations for weeks before finally reaching their intended destination end. It's why they are no longer used. Whoever sent this knew the SCIMITAR's AFC channel and that it why it came directly to us. They also knew we would be outside the borders of the Union or the BSN's would have scrambled it completely."