"Tarifa!" Isra's strong voice echoed as he burst through the front door of his home the P190A3 leading him.
"Anuk baby!" Danny barked sweeping the K12 in front of him like a guided missile launcher.
Behind Danny and Isra came twelve fully armed Durcunusaan soldiers even as the sounds of windows shattering from upstairs echoed in the corridor.
"Isra!" Tarifa's voice shouted as she came sprinting around the corner from their large main room, Anuk right behind her. "Isra… we are safe!" She barked out.
Isra didn't question her for he could smell no fear or indecision on her. He tapped his jaw. "All teams take up defensive positions! We are secure down here!"
Anuk smiled as Danny's arms swallowed her up and he lowered his head to firmly nuzzle her elven ears. "Bout time you showed up!" Anuk quipped as she shivered in bliss at his touch.