"…been trying since I spoke with you Andro!" Marci almost shouted. "I can't get any of them on the board! Not one!"
Andro shook his head as he looked at her holoimage. He had never seen Marci so upset and flustered. This was not something he had wanted to hear. "It's a prelude to an all out attack Marci!" Andro announced immediately. "It has to be!"
Marci shook her head. "I've been trying to raise Armetus or your father as well! Neither of them is answering! Your Uncle's COM channel is off the grid! When I inquired of the Durcunusaan officer at the base he only told me that they had left with Isra and a full platoon!"
"Left to where?" Andro asked.
"The man didn't know!" Marci stated. "Andro… Andro something isn't right! Even with the Level Six Blackout I should still be able to get in contact with someone. None of your mothers are answering! Not even Deia! I got Laustinos in his office and he told me he would look into it!"