Daba moved up next to Walter as he stood leaning against the doorframe into the medical bay. He turned to look at her and smiled gently. He motioned into the room with his head. "The Yara Parma was right after all." He stated slowly.

Daba's amber eyes followed where he motioned with his head and she saw Lu'ria resting comfortably in the medical bed, the three women crowded around her. Carisia sat on one side of the bed, Sadi and Ne'Veha on the other. Sadi held Lu'ria's hand within both of hers, Carisia's hands resting on Lu'ria's other arm. There were no words being spoken between them, but she could see Lu'ria's bright amber eyes gleaming in happiness as she looked back and forth. Daba turned back to Walter and he saw the question in her eyes.