Cha'talla looked at the Limian and human men standing just outside the massive steel and concrete doors of the settlement, as well as the hundreds of men, women and children who were strung out behind them.

"Contar… Robert?" Cha'talla exclaimed. "Why are you here? We warned you to escape into the mountains!"

"They landed a large force to the west of our settlement Cha'talla and cut us off." The Limian replied. "It was the only route into the mountains! We had nowhere else to come! They are pushing in this direction even as we speak."

"Contar… they are coming here. They are after us!" Cha'talla told him. "It will not be safe here!"

"We have lived in peace and cooperation for almost twenty years Cha'talla." The human spoke. "We are not trained as you and your tribe. We do not stand a chance against these Kavalian animals!"