Anja stood beside Aricia and they simply stared at Martin's form on the bed in front of them. The stark white sheet covered just his lower body, leaving his chiseled upper body bare. The scars from the shrapnel Anja had long since made to vanish and now the only scars that remained were the ones they were all accustomed so well to, for each of them had explored his body as intimately as he had explored theirs.

"There is risk Anja." Aricia told her softly. "You know that."

Anja nodded. "He's been like this for hours Little Wolf." She said using the name they had called her so long ago. A name they now only used to express their undying love and devotion to her. "I did a light probe as Helen taught me, and it is very much like it was when Walter first had me bring him and Dysea back on the Raptor."